Drama Comedy
Okoma, a witty young woman working as a conductor in an old, rickety bus in Kōfu, Yamanashi (rural Japan), has a creative idea that could avert the dwindling number of passengers when her job and the bus company itself are at stake.
Directed by
Mikio Naruse
Written by
Mikio Naruse
Hideko Takamine
Okoma, the bus conductress
Kamatari Fujiwara
Sonoda - the bus driver
Tamae Kiyokawa
Daijirō Natsukawa
Gonji Igawa - the novelist
Keiji Sakakida
Bus customer
Yōtarō Katsumi
Kohoku Line Bus owner
Hiroshi Yamagawa
Hisaharu Matsubayashi
Kimie Hayashi
Office worker
Tsuruko Mano
Okoma's mother

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