Comedy Romance
Victor and Hillary are down on their luck to the point that they allow tourists to take guided tours of their castle. But Charles Delacro, a millionaire oil tycoon, visits, and takes a liking to more than the house. Soon, Hattie Durant gets involved and they have a good old fashioned love triangle.
Directed by
Stanley Donen
Cary Grant
Victor Rhyall
Jean Simmons
Hattie Durant
Robert Mitchum
Charles Delacro
Deborah Kerr
Hilary Rhyall
Moray Watson
Trevor Sellers
Gwen Watford
Hairdresser's Receptionist (uncredited)
Joan Benham
Hairdresser's Receptionist (uncredited)
Hugh Williams
Margaret Vyner
Elisabeth Orion
Fair-Haired Woman (uncredited)

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