Romance Drama
A shallow, provincial wife finds her relationship with her preoccupied husband strained by romantic notions of love, leading her further towards Paris and the country wilderness.
Directed by
Louis Malle
Michèle Girardon
La secrétaire
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Tournier
Lucienne Hamon
José Luis de Vilallonga
Raoul Flores
Jean-Claude Brialy
Un garçon a manège
Alain Cuny
Henri Tournier
Judith Magre
Maggy Thiebaut-Leroy
Gib Grossac
Gaston Modot
Claude Mansard
Pierre Frag
Jean-Marc Bory
Bernard Dubois-Lambert
Georgette Lobre
Patricia Maurin
Catherine, fille de Jeanne

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