Adventure Animation
Nothing's as much fun as making new friends! So Sky Wishes and Star Catcher want everyone in Ponyville and Butterfly Island to meet and get to know each other. But there's a problem. Pegasus ponies are very, very shy! Sky Wishes and Star Catcher decide the only way to bring their friends together is to have a high-flying party with fun games, music and even a mile high sundae!
Directed by
John Grusd
Written by
Bonnie L. DeSouza
Venus Terzo
Rainbow Dash / Sparkleworks (voice)
Lenore Zann
Star Catcher (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Coconut Cream / Cotton Candy (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Twinkie Twirl (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Wysteria / Thistle Whistle (voice)
Janyse Jaud
Pinkie Pie (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Sweetberry / Island Delight (voice)
Saffron Henderson
Sky Wishes (voice)

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