Crime Drama
An American army officer working for British intelligence comes to post-war Berlin to solve a murder. His investigation is compromised when he falls for a nightclub singer, not realising she is an agent of the criminal mastermind he is on the trail of.
Directed by
Maclean Rogers
Written by
Maclean Rogers
Carole Mathews
Hedy Bergner
Richard Denning
Major Gregory Keen
Danny Green
Yotti Blum
Bill Nagy
Peter Swanwick
Monsieur Paul Bonnet
Ronald Adam
Scammel / Dumetrius
Brian Worth
Capt. Peter Ridgeway
Jan Holden
Sally Jennings
Robert Crewdson
Control Officer
Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Col. Julian Fentriss, M.I.5.
Paul Hardtmuth
Dr. Buchmann
Hugh Moxey
Sgt. Tom Coutts
Elwyn Brook-Jones
Digby Mitchel
Alex Gallier
Max Rubenstein
Jimmy Cains
Edward Forsyth
German Policeman
Theodore Wilhelm
German Thug
Robert Bruce
Staff Officer

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