Drama Action Crime
When Baton Rouge police detective Bud Carter busts contract killer Jesse Weiland, he convinces Jesse to become an informant and rat out the South's most powerful crime ring.
Directed by
Chris Brinker
Willem Dafoe
Bud Carter
Cole Hauser
Neal McDonough
Daniel Kiersey
Amy Smart
Lynn Weiland
Tom Berenger
Lutin Adams
Christopher Marquette
Martin Fitch
Christopher Denham
Tommy Weiland
Ritchie Montgomery
Nady Grace
Bill Duke
John Nokes
Matt Dillon
Jesse Weiland
Jeff Leaf
David Marandino
Ron Yuan
Frederick Weller
Detective Shepherd
Kevin Chapman
Daniel Morris
Don Yesso
Captain Bannock
Alex Solowitz
Buzz McKinnnon
John Edward Lee
Catfish Stanton
Ronn Surels
Henchman (uncredited)
Patrick Brinker
Detective Cobb
Pat Fisher
Ma Carter
Miranda Sink

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