Horror Drama Fantasy
Amidst the vast sugar plantations of Negros in Southern Philippines, a matriarch lies in the throes of death. Her children rush home to confront the crisis as news of the impending death of their well-loved mother spreads among the community. There, in their ancestral house, the siblings are forced to deal with the issues of inheritance, tradition and the family legacy. It is a familiar tale. After all, every family has its story. And to each one, its own deserved secrets.
Directed by
Gabriel Fernandez
Written by
Gabriel Fernandez
Rolando Inocencio
Tetchie Agbayani
Ricky Davao
Mark Gil
Epy Quizon
Jaime Fabregas
Archie Adamos
Bart Guingona
Cherie Gil
Fides Cuyugan-Asensio
Dona Concha
Joe Gruta
Roma Angelica Hendricks
Dado Jose
Ayie Laureta
Jamela Magbanlac
Michael Ong
Vince Ivan Real
Jericho Rodriguez

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