Crime Thriller
In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well.
Directed by
Jesús Franco
Written by
Jesús Franco
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Sargento Detective Miguel Mora
Antonio Prieto
Comisario Vargas
Agustín González
Antonio Ribera
Jean Servais
Maurice Leprince
Javier de Rivera
Robert Manuel
Jacinto San Emeterio
Abogado de Leprince
Manuel Gas
Antonio Jiménez Escribano
Luis Marín
Ángel Menéndez
Maria Vincent
Nina Laverne
Laura Granados
Dina Loy
Serafín García Vázquez
Juan Solano
Joaquín Pamplona
Ayudante del comisario
Davidson Hepburn
Chico Torres
Greta Marcos
Antonio Padilla
José Luis Lizalde
Pilar Vela
Lola del Pino

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