Romance Family
Eight-grader Petya Kopeikin, despite his short stature and nondescript appearance, is constantly in the spotlight. Petya is noble, witty, well versed in literature, he writes wonderful poems. Kopeikin has long been secretly in love with his classmate Masha Goroshkina, and she is passionate about the new student from 9 "A" Kolya Kristallov. Masha tells Petya about her feelings and asks him to hand over a note to Kolya. Deeply worried from unrequited love, Petya not only doesn't stand in the way of a happier rival, but even helps him win Masha's heart. He wants to prove that courage and honor were not only inherent in the times of “musketeer” novels, but exist in our time. Petya chooses to follow the example of the hero of the famous play Edmond Rostan and in his actions copies Cyrano de Bergerac.
Directed by
Inna Tumanyan
Written by
Inna Tumanyan
Oleg Efremov
Sergei Konstantinovich
Mikhail Efremov
Liya Akhedzhakova
Dzhulietta Ashotovna
Marina Shimanskaya
Lidiya Nikolaevna
Andrey Vasilyev
Aleksandr Kuznetsov
literature teacher
Inna Ulyanova
Elvira Pavlovna
Vladimir Kachan
taxi driver
Natalya Sezeman
Masha Goroshkina
Aleksei Dmitriyev
Arsen Bagratuni

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