Action Comedy Drama Romance
Martial arts expert Wing Chun battles bandits in this magical film that provides as many laughs as it does wallops. Besides horse thieves, Wing Chun must deal with the men around her who simply can't handle a strong, independent woman. Ultimately, she must dish out "lessons" again and again and again until the respect for her remarkable skills is finally won.
Directed by
Yuen Wo-Ping
Written by
Anthony Wong Wing-Fai, Pik-yin Tang
Norman Tsui Siu-Keung
Flying Chimpanze
Donnie Yen
Leung Pok To
Michelle Yeoh
Yim Wing Chun
Cheng Pei-pei
Ng Mui
Waise Lee Chi-Hung
Scholar Wong
Kingdom Yuen
Abacus Fong
Yuen Shun-Yi
Apollo Yu
Xu Xiangdong
Master Wong
Zhongyuan Liu
Catherine Hung Yan
Guo Jiaqing
Chun's Father
Shu Yaoxuan
Charmy's Husband
Chui A-Fai
Flying Monkey
Jin Mao-Heng
Yim Wing Chow
Zhang Yu-Ting
Chun's Brother-in-Law
Zhao Yi

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