Adventure Drama
When young computer genius Rudy inherits his father's business his avaricious uncle has him kidnapped and held hostage until the boy signs off all rights to the lucrative enterprise. Not wanting the uncle to control, a pair of corporate executives happen upon a youth who looks just like the missing heir. In hopes of keeping the business afloat, they substitute him at the board meetings.
Directed by
Stefan Scaini
Written by
Stefan Scaini, Rodman Gregg
Katharine Isabelle
Fiona (as Katherine Isobel)
Jay Brazeau
Professor Wooley
Jesse Moss
John Tench
Jonathan Jackson
Rudy Gatewick / Oliver Gillis
Don S. Davis
Colonel Zapf
William Shatner
Michael Gatewick
Mark Acheson
Campbell Lane
Lawyer #1
Sean Amsing
Charlie Rosemerkel
Jed Rees
Howard Dell
Coach Wilson
Demetri Goritsas
Richard Lee Jackson
Douglas Gatewick

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