Crime Drama TV Movie
A TV movie directed by Bob Mahoney. Based on the book by Dick Lee & Colin Pratt it tells the true story of a long running Police investigation which resulted in the arrests of 120 people and jail sentences of 170 years for the manufacture and distribution of £100M of LSD.
Directed by
Bob Mahoney
James Cosmo
Bruce Payne
D.C. Malcolm Pollard
Belinda Lang
D.C. Joy Brookes
Lizzy McInnerny
Colin Blakely
Det. Insp. Dick Lee
Peter Cartwright
D.S. Frank Leighton
Simon Rouse
D.S. Vernon Cooper
David Barrass
Immigration Officer
Michael Carter
Hugh Truscott
James Gaddas
D.C. Sid Bell
Eric Deacon
D.C. Ernie Wilson
Peter Baldwin
D.C. Paul Garrett
Kay Adshead
Robert Gwilym
D.C. Dan Richard
John Ainley
Rupert Creasey
Peter Barnes
Patrick Granger
Kim Black
W.P.C. Mary Robson
Clare Bonass
D.C. Gladys Wooley
Selena Carey-Jones
D.C. Patricia Johnston
John Cording
D.S. Reg Lewis
Alan Downer
C.C.R. Templeton
Frank Duncan
Bruce Sangster
Leon Eagles
Jim Fowler
Barry Kitson
Nora Fulton
Jon Laurimore
Det. Insp. Don Gough
Stuart McGugan
D.S. Ron Stapley
David Swift
Det. Supt. David Gosling

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