Drama Romance
It sets in China 1945, a romance develops between the young Ningjing ZHAO (Xun Zhou) and LIN Shuang-Ran, although they are distant cousins ​​and Shuang-Ran is already betrothed. Each will seek to fight against there destiny to try to live each their romantic feelings.
Directed by
Alan Lau
Zeng Li
Su Yun 素云
Zhou Xun
Zhao Ning-Jing 赵宁静
Alan Lau
Jeff Chang
Lin Shuang-Ran 林爽然
Gong Xibing
Zhao Ning-Jing's Father 赵父
Qiu Xinzhi
Xiong Ying-Sheng 熊应生
Xu Yue-Er
Lin Shuang-Ran's Mother 林母
Jin Huan
Zhao Ning-Jing's Mother 赵母

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