Animation Drama
A year has passed since Menma's ghostly return to the Super Peace Busters. Although the time they spent together during that summer was short, the five members reminisce about what happened as they each write a letter to their lost friend.
Directed by
Tatsuyuki Nagai
Saori Hayami
Chiriko "Tsuruko" Tsurumi (voice)
Ai Kayano
Meiko "Menma" Honma (voice)
Aki Toyosaki
Young Poppo (voice)
Miyu Irino
Jinta "Jintan" Yadomi (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki (voice)
Asami Seto
Young Yukiatsu (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Touko Yadami (voice)
Mutsumi Tamura
Young Jintan (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Naruko "Anaru" Anjo (voice)
Takayuki Kondo
Tetsudo "Poppo" Hisakawa (voice)
Fuyuka Ono
Irene Honma (voice)
Kaoru Mizuhara
Satoshi Honma (voice)
Mitsuru Ogata
Atsushi Yadomi (voice)

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