Jørgen Leth can squeeze poetry from a stone and wit from dust, and he can find love where the milk of human kindness runs dry. In a series of tableaux of Life in Denmark, he carries absurdism to a happy extreme. To act out his minuscule non-dramas, he uses a motley crew of professional actors like Ghita Nørby and Claus Nissen, writer Dan Turéll plus a snake charmer, a bicycle racer and a circus queen.
Directed by
Jørgen Leth
Written by
Jørgen Leth
Ghita Nørby
Ib Mossin
Lars Knutzon
Ulf Pilgaard
Sven-Ole Thorsen
Jørgen Reenberg
Claus Nissen
Kirsten Peüliche
Holger Juul Hansen
Ulla Gottlieb
Ann-Mari Max Hansen
Ditte Maria Wiberg
Ove Brusendorff
Diana Benneweis
Hans Jørgen Jacobsen

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