Family Fantasy Romance
A queen is so vain she needs the magical mirror the Black Knight forged to tell her daily she's the belle of the realm. When it adds Snowwhite, the king's heiress, has grown even more beautiful, the queen orders him and the shivering jester Andreas, who secretly loves the girl, to murder her step-daughter. However the knight fakes her death and seven dwarfs take her in at their magical mine. The dwarfs tell her various secrets, including true identities, and plot to save her, the disguised queen to murder her once the mirror betrays she's alive.
Directed by
Ludvík Ráža
Written by
Bernd Fiedler
Alessandro Gassmann
Buffone/Principe Andreas
Dietmar Schönherr
Gudrun Landgrebe
Eberhard Feik
Daniel Rous
Ritter Harald
Martin Růžek
Barbora Srncová
Aťka Janoušková
4th Dwarf
Natalie Minko
Sándor Köleséri
Cavaliere Nero
Iwan Sabijak
Igor Sanikow
2nd Dwarf
Nikolai Misyura
3rd Dwarf
Imre Schnellert
5th Dwarf
Janos Petrowski
6th Dwarf
Atilla Vega
7th Dwarf
Václav Kotva
Lehrer Münch
Jaroslav Luks
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