Family Animation Fantasy
Shortly after the Royal Family adopts a young girl named Alise, she is taken away into the forest. Princess Odette, Derek and their woodland friends, must work together to find a way to bring her home to the castle.
Directed by
Richard Rich
Yuri Lowenthal
Prince Derek (voice)
Christine Lakin
Bridget / Narrator (voice)
Laura Bailey
Princess Odette (voice)
Jan Broberg
Uberta (singing voice)
Joel Bishop
Speed (singing voice)
Doug Stone
Speed (voice)
James Arrington
Chamberlain (voice)
David Osmond
Prince Derek (singing voice)
Darrel Guilbeau
Father (voice)
Joseph Medrano
Lord Rogers (voice)
Carly Fogelson
Alise (voice)
Julia Fogelson
Little Girl Scullion (voice)
Kathryn Hill
Princess Odette (singing voice)
Jennifer Miller
Uberta (voice)
Gardner Jaas
Puffin (voice)
Clayton James
Jean-Bob (voice)

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