Drama Family
Based on Anna Sewell's novel. In rural England of the 1880's, widower Squire Wendon is rearing his young daughter Anne. Her father has forbidden her to be present when their mare, "Duchess," gives birth. Anne sneaks out to the stable, however, and is discovered by her father who forbids her ever to ride Duchess again. Despite this punishment, he gives Anne Duchess's colt because it is her birthday, and she names him "Black Beauty."
Directed by
Max Nosseck
Charles Evans
Squire Wendon
Evelyn Ankers
Evelyn Carrington
Mona Freeman
Anne Wendon
Olaf Hytten
Mr. Gordon
Arthur Space
Leyland Hodgson
Terry Kilburn
Highland Dale
Black Beauty
Richard Denning
Bill Dixon
J.M. Kerrigan
Moyna MacGill
Mrs. Blake
Clifford Brooke
Tom Dillon
John Burton
Dr. White

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