Action Adventure Comedy
Set in the Joseon Period, three beautiful musketeers fight against a powerful group who tries to overturn the royal family and gain absolute power. The leader of the Beautiful Three Musketeers is Jin-ok, a smart and righteous woman. Hong-dan is the only married woman among the three women. Ga-bi is the youngest among the musketeers and excels at fighting.
Directed by
Park Je-hyun
Ha Ji-won
Kang Ye-won
Ju Sang-uk
Jin Ji-hee
Young Jin-ok
Song Sae-byuk
Raiding Constable Song
Chae Sang-woo
Young Sa-hyeon
Ko Chang-seok
Ha Soo-ho
Sa-hyun's Subordinates
Je Dong-hwa
Blue Warrior
Son Ga-in

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