Adventure Family Sci-Fi Animation
The International Rescue team is faced with one of its toughest challenges yet, as the revolutionary lighter-than-air craft Skyship One is hijacked while on her maiden voyage around the world. Against backdrops including the Statue of Liberty and the Sphinx, Lady Penelope, Parker, Alan and Tin-Tin fight the hijackers from on-board, while the rest of the team tries to stop the airship crashing.
Directed by
David Lane
Written by
Sylvia Anderson, Gerry Anderson
Geoffrey Keen
James Glenn (voice)
Shane Rimmer
Scott Tracy (voice)
John Carson
Captain Foster (II) (voice)
David Graham
Gordon Tracy / Brains / Aloysius Parker (voice)
Christine Finn
Tin-Tin / Indian Fortune-Teller (voice)
Keith Alexander
John Tracy / Narrator (voice)
Peter Dyneley
Jeff Tracy (voice)
Gary Files
Black Phantom / Captain Foster (I) / Lane (voice)
Sylvia Anderson
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward (voice)
Jeremy Wilkin
Virgil Tracy / Hogarth (voice)
Matt Zimmerman
Alan Tracy / Carter (voice)

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