Comedy Drama Romance
Margo is an ex-stripper who meets her long, lost father in Mexico. She looks after him in the waning days of his life, with the help of a traveling projectionist. The father passes away, telling of the loot from a botched bank robbery that he buried years earlier. The two get jobs in town as their relationship grows and they search for the treasure on the weekends. But while the treasure seems to bring them together, it also seems to be tearing them apart.
Directed by
Alan Sharp
Written by
Alan Sharp
Burt Lancaster
Delbert Teschmacher
Margot Kidder
Ted Danson
Eugene Wilson
Lupe Ontiveros
Market Voice #1
Bill Zuckert
Charlie Parker
Mitch Carter
Bar Voice #4
Enrique Lucero
Dyana Ortelli
Bar Voice #2
Enrique Castillo
Cantina Voice #2
Joseph Hacker
Norman Kane
Leonor Llausás
Joaquín Martínez
Market Voice #2
Deborah Fallender
Cantina Voice #1
Malena Doria
Gladys Holland
John Pearce
James Hall
Rodolfo De Alexandre
Bird Seller
George Belanger
Customs Officer
Patrick Welch
Man in Bar
Julia Williams
Kane's Friend
Glenda Moore
Kane's Friend
Walter Eggen
Kane's Friend
Dieter Koll
Kane's Friend
Roberta Rose
Cocktail Waitress
Samantha Swan
Burton Sharp
Bar Voice #1
Tonyo Meléndez
Bar Voice #3
Lonka Becker

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