Animation Family
Bob and Larry are going all out to make it the best Christmas ever at the Spring Valley Mall. With music, decorations and a light show like no other, it's an all-out spectacle to outshine the competition! But a little girl with a big heart changes everything when she shows them all what Christmas is really about.
Directed by
Brian K. Roberts
Written by
Mike Nawrocki, Cory Edwards
Tim Hodge
Phil Vischer
Phillip Fleagle (Bob) / Kid Phillip / Roadie Reggie (Mr. Lunt) / Alister Cashberger (Archibald) / Miles (Philippe) / Sam (Jimmy) / George / Pa Grape / Silly Song Announcer (voice)
Cory Edwards
Mike Nawrocki
Lawrence (Merry Larry) / Henry (Jean Claude) / Peach / Turnips (voice)
Cydney Trent
Reporter (Petunia) (voice)
Lisa Vischer
Junior Asparagus (voice)
Keri Pisapia
Mrs. Crespie (voice)
Si Robertson
Silas the Narrator (voice)
Jim Poole
Bus Driver (Scooter) (voice)
Anna Grace Stewart
Christina / Soozie (voice)
Megan Murphy
Mrs. Netterbaum (Madame Blueberry) / Christina's Mom / Emma (voice)
J. Chris Wall
Dad Tomato (voice)
Kay Ayers
Mom Tomato (voice)
Joe Spadaford
Construction Worker / Jet Pilot (voice)

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