Crime Comedy Drama
In 1930s Marseilles two small-time crooks decide to join forces when they meet while brawling over a woman. Starting with fixed horse races and boxing matches, they soon find themselves doing jobs for the local gangster bosses. When they decide to go into the business for themselves, their easy-going approach to crime starts to change.
Directed by
Jacques Deray
Written by
Jean Cau, Claude Sautet, Jacques Deray, Jean-Claude Carrière
Alain Delon
Roch Siffredi
Jean-Paul Belmondo
François Capella
Mireille Darc
Une prostituée
Corinne Marchand
Mme Rinaldi
Mario David
Michel Bouquet
Maître Rinaldi
Nicole Calfan
Catherine Rouvel
Françoise Christophe
Simone Escarguel
Daniel Ivernel
Le commissaire
Julien Guiomar
Simon Boccace
Lionel Vitrant
Hélène Rémy
André Bollet
Yvan Chiffre
Henri Attal
Caissier du cercle
Pierre Koulak
Philippe Castelli
Garçon d'hôtel
Christian de Tillière
Le 'Danseur'
Arnoldo Foà
Laura Adani
Mme Siffredi, la mère de Roch
Odette Piquet
La chanteuse
Jean Aron
Martial Roger, le comptable

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