Comedy Crime Drama
A New York radio personality travels to the small town of Fernville to oversee a contest to identify retired safecracker Jimmy Valentine, believed to be living there under an assumed name. The close-knit town of upstanding citizens is understandably upset by this venture, all the moreso when some of its citizens begin to be murdered. The radio personality and the local newspaper's young daughter collaborate on solving the murders while revealing Valentine, who has become one of the suspects.
Directed by
Bernard Vorhaus
Dick Elliott
Tim Miller
Al Bridge
Dennis O'Keefe
Mike Jason
Patsy Parsons
Marlene Titus
Rand Brooks
Olaf Hytten
William Benedict
Dorothy Christy
Mrs. Updyke
Ralph Peters
Lois Collier
Harry Shannon
Pinky Dolan
Mary Currier
Felice Winters
Roscoe Ates
Police Chief Dan Cady
Edmund Cobb
Police Sergeant
Ruth Terry
Bonnie Forbes
Morgan Brown
Joel Friedkin
Jed Prouty
Maxwell B. Titus
Fred Burns
Emmett Vogan
District Attorney
Virginia Farmer
Mrs. Brighton
Wade Boteler
Warden Carl Jones
George E. Stone
Mousey Scarlatti
Bobby Larson
Mickey Forbes
Guy Usher
Police Inspector
Spencer Charters
Cheevers Snow
Roman Bohnen
Tom Forbes
Gloria Dickson
Cleo Arden
William B. Davidson
Cyrus Ballard
Mary Davenport
Hotel Telephone Operator
Sven Hugo Borg
Linda Brent
Luticia 'Luty' Hinkle
Margaret Marquis
Joe Cunningham
Charles Stanley
Ray Erlenborn
Sound Effects Man
Douglas Evans
Radio Announcer
Charles Williams
The Pitchman
Jack Raymond
Hot Dog Man
Jimmie Fox
Window Cleaner
Frank Fanning
Police Officer Wilbur
Ben Hall
Sada Simmons

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