Horror Romance
In the Iranian ghost-town Bad City, a place that reeks of death and loneliness, the townspeople are unaware they are being stalked by a lonesome vampire.
Directed by
Ana Lily Amirpour
Elijah Wood
Pej Vahdat
DJ Porno
Dominic Rains
Saeed 'The Pimp'
Sheila Vand
The Girl
Mozhan Marnò
Atti 'The Prostitute'
Marshall Manesh
Hossein 'The Junkie'
Ray Haratian
The Boss 'Commercial'
Rome Shadanloo
Shaydah 'The Princess'
Arash Marandi
Armin Amiri
Reza Sixo Safai
Milad Eghbali
The Street Urchin
The Cat
Maruti Garikiparthi

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