Mystery Crime Drama
Stéphane Blanchon lives a quiet life in Switzerland with his wife, Christine, until a young American boarder named Belle, who was living with them, is found murdered. Despite Stéphane's innocence, the evidence points to him, and he learns that Belle harbored romantic feelings for him. Suspicions mount against him; even Christine thinks he is the culprit. Stéphane's sanity begins to crumble, and he lashes out in unprecedented ways.
Directed by
Édouard Molinaro
Written by
Édouard Molinaro, Pierre Kast, Jean Anouilh
Alexandra Stewart
Jean Desailly
Stéphane Blanchon
Marc Cassot
Le commissaire
Jacques Monod
Le juge
Monique Mélinand
Mme. Monique Blanchon
Van Doude
The Doctor
Lucien Hubert
Maurice Teynac
L'ivrogne / Stephane's Friend
Jacques Hilling
Le gendarme Cristever
Yves Robert
The Bartender
Gabriel Gobin
Le sergent de police Ruchet
Christian Lude
Le docteur Clair
Yvette Etiévant
Jacques Pierre
Philippe Berthe / Belle's Admirer
Louisa Colpeyn
Belle's Mother
George Cusin
Monsieur Genet - le directeur du collège
Suzanne Courtal
Madame Pidoux

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