Comedy TV Movie
After spending the last two years in Europe as an exchange student, Gidget returns home to California only to discover that things have changed. The letters she had been writing to her beloved "Moondoggie" to try to make him jealous have had the wrong effect. Disillusioned with love, and after hearing a speech on television, she decides to make a real difference in the world by going to New York to become a youth worker at the United Nations. While there she has a proposal of marriage from an extremely wealthy Arabian sheik, but instead she falls for a handsome but older Australian diplomat.
Directed by
James Sheldon
Written by
John McGreevey
Paul Lynde
Louis B. Latimer
Edward Mulhare
Alex MacLaughlin
Nina Foch
Bibi Crosby
Lloyd Kino
Japanese Delegate
Paul Petersen
Jeff 'Moondoggie' Griffin
Helen Funai
Minnie Chan
Caryl Lincoln
Tour Group Member
Robert Cummings
Russell Lawrence
Jerome Courtland
Davis Roberts
Bukumbu Representative
Doreen Lang
Mrs. Willard
Karen Valentine
Gidget Lawrence
Donald Symington
Ugo Bianchi
Italian Delegate
Cynthia Lynn
Susan Batson
Diana Otessa
Warner Anderson
Ambassador Post
Hal Frederick
Lee Basumba
Mario Aniov
Abdul Ahmed III
Gunilla Knudson
Katrina Lund
Harlen Carraher
Margot Jane
Rae Ellen
Leo G. Morrell
Turkish Delegate
George Boyce
Tour Group Member

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