Drama TV Movie
After a brief flash-forward to Frank Sinatra as an old man, saying "I miss my guys," the movie's main narrative begins during high points in the solo careers of the Rat Pack: Dean Martin has become a big success despite the breakup of his partnership with Jerry Lewis; Sinatra's career is at its peak; Sammy Davis, Jr., is making a comeback after a near fatal car crash, and standup comic Joey Bishop is gaining exposure as an opening act for the other three. The Pack becomes complete when Sinatra reconciles with actor Peter Lawford, who has been ostracized since being seen out publicly with Sinatra's ex-wife, Ava Gardner.
Directed by
Rob Cohen
Ray Liotta
Frank Sinatra
Veronica Cartwright
Rocky Cooper
Angus Macfadyen
Peter Lawford
William Petersen
John F. Kennedy
Zeljko Ivanek
Bobby Kennedy
Barbara Niven
Marilyn Monroe
Joe Mantegna
Dean Martin
Don Cheadle
Sammy Davis Jr.
Dey Young
Jeanne Martin
Megan Dodds
May Britt
Alan Woolf
Mickey Cohen
John Diehl
Joe DiMaggio
Tyrees Allen
George Jacobs
Scott MacDonald
Dan O'Herlihy
Joe Kennedy
Jody Wood
Deborah Kara Unger
Ava Gardner
Bobby Slayton
Joey Bishop
Robert Miranda
Momo Giancana
Elyse Mirto
Frank's Assistant
David Andrews
G-Man #3
Lew Saunders
Big John
Mary Cadorette
Todd Susman
Amber Smith
Broad at Casino
Brad Blaisdell
Reporter in Bar Fight
Charles Walker
Joel McKinnon Miller
G-Man #1
Kario Salem
Ron Ostrow
Studio Head
Wayne Thomas Yorke
G-Man #2
Phyllis Lyons
Pat Lawford
Craig Richard Nelson
Lewis Milestone
Michael Townsend Wright
Walter Winchell
Greg Lipari
Peter Iacangelo
Tom Dreesen
Tom Dreesen
Joe D'Angerio
Pit Boss
Patricia Ann Christ
Frank's Secretary
Jeffrey Marx
Bill Evans

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