Action Drama
The evil Dong Won has unbeatable kicking legs and proudly travels the land proving his expertise. But when a young man loses his foster parent to Won's deadly kick, he seeks out an old drunken master to learn a way to defeat the Master of the Leg.
Directed by
Richard Park Wu-sang
Hwang Jang-Lee
Dong Wan (Ki-Ryong)
Won Jin
Seub-Deuk's Buddy (Song's Buddy)
Mun Cheol-Jae
Murdered Martial Artist
Yu So-Jeon
Yong Seub-Deuk (Song)
So Hwa-Ja
Jeong Hae-Suk
Lee Kwon-Wu
Yong Il-Pyung (Song's Father)
Cho Byeong-ok
Seub-Deuk's Buddy (Song's Buddy)
Sa Won-Bae
Senior Student
Hwang Chun-Su
Murdered Martial Artist
Jung Mun
Dong Ryeol
Jo Yeong-Su
Lee Do-Wu
Park Jin
Choe Ha-Seop
Song Jeon-Ho
An Yeong-Ki
Jeon Kyeong-Ae
Seon Hye-Yeon
Han Eun-Ae
Lee Han-Suk
Dong Nam-Pyeong
Kim Cheol-Min
Han Yeong-Cheol
Lee Ki-Byeong

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