Fantasy Comedy
The youngsters Folcacchio and Guffardo must bring an embassy to the Bishop of Volterra, and during the trip, the two boys meet the beautiful Gemmata. The woman is a poor peasant who is married to Nicholas. Folcacchio and Guffardo, to have a night of love with the girl, pretends to be magicians who can turn humans into beasts.
Directed by
Franco Rossetti
Barbara Bouchet
Renzo Montagnani
Gulfardo de Bardi
Pietro Torrisi
Carla Romanelli
Edda Ferronao
La moglie dell'oste
Leopoldo Trieste
Marito di Gemmata
Vittorio Congia
Don Backy
Folcacchio de Folcacchieri
Vittorio Fanfoni
Lorenzo Piani
Rossana Campolmi
Giuliano Selva

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