Fantasy Drama Thriller Mystery Romance
Even though Sam Wheat, the successful investment counsellor, still finds it difficult to express his deeper feelings for her after all these years, his young potter girlfriend, Molly Jensen, is the love of his life. However, a curious case of a systematic discrepancy will prepare the ground for a hideous urban homicide in one of Manhattan's dark alleys, trapping, seemingly forever, the unfortunate deceased's immortal soul in the realm of the mortals. With the condemned spirit unable to interact with the physical world--and as Molly's life, too, is in grave danger--Sam will have to turn to the spiritual medium, Oda Mae Brown, to warn and protect her. Can Oda and the ghost settle the unfinished business in time?
Directed by
Jerry Zucker
Written by
Bruce Joel Rubin
Whoopi Goldberg
Oda Mae Brown
Demi Moore
Molly Jensen
Patrick Swayze
Sam Wheat
Stephen Root
Police Sgt.
Arsenio Hall
Arsenio Hall (uncredited)
Tony Goldwyn
Carl Bruner
Rick Aviles
Willie Lopez
Vincent Schiavelli
Subway Ghost
Allan Graf
Phil Leeds
Emergency Room Ghost
Rick Kleber
Martina Deignan
Derek Thompson
Ortisha's Friend
Tom Finnegan
Bank Guard
Said Faraj
Cab Driver
William Cort
Bank Co-Worker
Gail Boggs
Oda Mae's Sister
Armelia McQueen
Oda Mae's Sister
Bruce Jarchow
Lyle Furgeson
Charlotte Zucker
Bank Officer
Vivian Bonnell
Macka Foley
Dorothy Love Coates
Alma Beltran
Woman Ghost
Christopher J. Keene
Elevator Man
Susan Breslau
John Hugh
Sam Tsoutsouvas
Sharon Breslau
Cemetery Ghost
Angelina Estrada
Rosa Santiago
Thom Curley
Workman in Loft
Laura Drake
Augie Blunt
J. Christopher Sullivan
Man Ghost
Sondra Rubin
Minnie Summers Lindsey
Apartment Woman
Mabel Lockridge
Apartment Woman
Stanley Lawrence
Elevator Man
Ramiro González
Peter Hock
Gene McLaughlin
Harry Madsen

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