Drama Comedy Romance
Josie Alibrandi is 17 and doesn't know where she belongs. This year, however, everything is going to change. Josie will face her fears, uncover secrets and even discover the true identity of her father.
Directed by
Kate Woods
Written by
Melina Marchetta
Anthony LaPaglia
Michael Andretti
Greta Scacchi
Christina Alibrandi
Matthew Newton
John Barton
Leeanna Walsman
Carly Bishop
Pia Miranda
Josie Alibrandi
Geoff Morrell
Mr. Barton
Kick Gurry
Jacob Coote
Elena Cotta
Katia Alibrandi
Kerry Walker
Sister Louise
Leanne Carlow
Sera Conti
Diane Viduka
Anna Selicic
Michael Gallina
Rosa DiMarte
Domenico DiMarte
Tyrone Lara
Anton Valavic

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