Drama Crime TV Movie
Bright and eager to hit the streets in search of bad guys, rookie cop Christine Paley is disappointed when she's instead assigned to process criminals. Under the supervision of a tough but likable mentor, Christine quickly learns that hers is like no other desk job in the world.
Directed by
Hubert de La Bouillerie
Colleen Camp
Mrs. Buford Lowry
Patrick Dempsey
Tom Harris
Christopher Lloyd
Johnny Benjamin
Fisher Stevens
Dale Myerson
Laura San Giacomo
Nicole Savita
Judge Reinhold
Buford Lowry
Lea Thompson
Christine Paley
Robert Loggia
Lt. Mike Brosloe
Amanda Plummer
Paulina Marcos
LL Cool J
Charles Red Taylor
Larry Joshua
Brent Briscoe
Carl Reiner
Norman Friedler
Jack Shearer
Dr. Koal
Geoffrey Rivas
Pedro Amendez
Mary Pat Gleason
Kathe Mazur
Dale's Girlfriend
Mark Fauser

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