Comedy Drama Romance
Brooklyn teenager Jeffrey Willis, thoroughly unhappy with his modest homestead, embraces the other-world aspects of his summer job at the posh Flamingo Club. He spurns his father in favor of the patronage of smooth-talking Phil Brody and is seduced by the ample bikini charms of club member Carla Samson. But thanks to a couple of late-summer hard lessons, the teen eventually realizes that family should always come first.
Directed by
Garry Marshall
Written by
Garry Marshall, Neal Marshall
Marisa Tomei
Fisher Stevens
Hawk Ganz
Hector Elizondo
Arthur Willis
Steve James
Matt Dillon
Jeffrey Willis
Jessica Walter
Phyllis Brody
John Turturro
Ted from Pinky's
Richard Crenna
Phil Brody
Bronson Pinchot
Alfred Schultz
Carole Davis
Joyce Brody
Novella Nelson
Lizzy the Housekeeper
Brian McNamara
Steve Dawkins
Fortune Smith
Frank Campanella
Colonel Cal Eastland
Irving Metzman
Big Sid
Peter Paul
Dirk (uncredited)
Joe Grifasi
Mario Minetta
Janet Jones
Carla Samson
Garry Marshall
Martha Gehman
Nikki Willis
David Paul
Turk (uncredited)
Molly McCarthy
Ruth Willis
Richard Stahl
Charlie Cooper

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