Crime Drama
When wealthy college student Richard Oetker is kidnapped and held for a hefty ransom, state police officer Georg Kufbach becomes obsessed with bringing the kidnapper to justice. This film is based on a true story.
Directed by
Peter Keglevic
Written by
Rainer Berg
Christoph Waltz
Dieter Cilov
Tobias Moretti
Georg Kufbach
Dietrich Hollinderbäumer
Dieter Kirchlechner
Cilov's Defense Counsel
Alexander Held
Sebastian Koch
Richard Oetker
Hanns Zischler
Oetker's Attorney
Andreas Pietschmann
Erich Hallhuber
Götz Otto
Bait (uncredited)
Sepp Schauer
Michael Mendl
Ann-Kathrin Kramer
Leonard Lansink
Thomas Darchinger
Sophie von Kessel
Günther Maria Halmer
Heinz Stegmayr
Carola Bambas
LKA Officer

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