Adventure Fantasy Drama Family
Radio psychologist Jack Black takes his children Joshua and Ashley on a 'vacation' to a lake in British Columbia. While he grinds away at work the children discover that the famous local lake monster "Orky" may not be just a gimmick to attract tourists after all. In fact, Orky may enable them to get closer to their workaholic dad, and help stop local polluters who are dumping toxic waste.
Directed by
Rick Stevenson
Mark Harmon
Jack Black
Joshua Jackson
Joshua Black
Teryl Rothery
Will Sasso
Shy Young Orderly
Tom Cavanagh
Simon, Patient #1
Mark Acheson
Lefty Hardy
David Rasche
Phillip, Patient #4
Harley Jane Kozak
Dr. Wanda Bell
Tamsin Kelsey
Sheriff Stevenson
Frank Salsedo
Uncle Kpper
Morris Panych
Mack Miller
Ben Cardinal
Joe Pickled Trout
Adrien Dorval
Wright Hardy
John Procaccino
Brian T. Finney
Bug-Eyes, Patient #3
Sarah Wayne
Ashley Black
Willie Nark-Orn
Anthony Towe

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