Comedy Action
A young man named Chob, is caught in bed with In-tu-orn, the daughter of a powerful and wealthy landowner who owns almost ever acre in northern Thailand by her father. He asks Chob to prove his love towards his daughter by taking a seven-day trip upcountry, attempting to quarrel with anyone he meets along the way. If Chob can complete this unusual mission he will grant his daughter's hand in marriage, along with half of his property.
Directed by
Bhandit Rittakol
Written by
Bhandit Rittakol
Chintara Sukapatana
Santisuk Promsiri
Akom Preedakul
Sarunyu Wongkrachang
Arun Pawilai
Cheathavuth Watcharakhun
Janya Thanasawaangkoun
Kajornsak Rattananissai
Somlek Sakdikul
Sombat Metanee
Sa-Ard Piempongsan
Intuorn's Father
Manop Aussawathep
Wachara Pan-iam
Narumon Nillawan
Kiat Kitjaroen
Yodchai Meksuwan
Chat Mongkolchai
Patson Sarindu
Oliver Bever
Ron Banjongsang
Krit Sukramongkol
Panu Suwanno
Pakchanok Wo-Onsri
Sittha Lertsrimonkol
Darawan Wilaingam
Petcharat Pumkham
Theeradej Diravanijkul
Kanatpol Petchprasan
Somkiat Kunanitipong
Pimpan Chanta
Pimpaka Siangsomboon
Yuwadee Ruangchai
Ram Waratum

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