Crime Drama
A Communist spy ring in Japan is hard at work trying to sabotage the American war effort during the Korean War, using kidnapping, murder and a disturbed former kamikaze pilot. A U.S. secret agent, posing as a reporter, is dispatched to Tokyo to put a stop to these nefarious activities.
Directed by
Stuart E. McGowan, Dorrell McGowan
Jun Tazaki
Gen Shimizu
Heihachirō Ōkawa
Florence Marly
Steffi Novak
Tatsuo Saitō
Mr. Matsuto
Dekao Yokoo
George P. Breakston
Tetsu Nakamura
Mr. Oyama
Lee Frederick
Jim Carter
Katsuhiko Haida
Taro Matsuto
Reiko Otani
Suisei Matsui
Hideto Hayafusa
Melvin Belli

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