Romance Drama
Berkeley university professor adjusts (using alcohol) to tragic fire deaths of wife & son.
Directed by
Fletcher Markle
Rosemary DeCamp
Mrs. Annie Ainley
Whit Bissell
Monument Salesman (uncredited)
Celia Lovsky
Mrs. Niemoller
Lewis Stone
Dr. Horace Snyder
Jean Hagen
Girl Next Door
Harry Antrim
Sam Andersen
Dawn Addams
Dottie Phelps
Percy Helton
Drunk (uncredited)
Herb Vigran
Joe - the Bartender
Ray Milland
Philip Ainley
Nancy Reagan
Mrs. Katherine Mead
Otto Waldis
Dr. Franz Niemoller
John Hodiak
Tom Lawry
Katherine Warren
Mrs. Margaret Andersen
Mary Lawrence
Edith Bottomly - Waitress / Student
John Maxwell
Dr. Huntington
Jonathan Cott
Chuck Holderson
Gordon Gebert
Russ Kirby
John Jeffery
Timmy Ainley

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