Comedy Romance Music
The singing/dancing Angel sisters, Nancy, Bobby, Josie, and Patti, aren't interested in performing together, and this plays havoc with the plans of Pop Angel to buy a soy bean farm. They do accept an offer of ten dollars to sing at a dubious night club on the edge of town where a band led by Happy Marshall is playing.
Directed by
George Marshall
Billy Bletcher
Club Patron (uncredited)
Fred MacMurray
Happy Morgan
Douglas Fowley
N.Y. Cafe Manager (uncredited)
Frank Faylen
Erville Alderson
Mr. Littlefield
Betty Hutton
Bobby Angel
Frank Albertson
Diana Lynn
Josie Angel
Tom Kennedy
Edgar Dearing
Man (uncredited)
Matt McHugh
Doorman - 33 Club (uncredited)
Dorothy Lamour
Nancy Angel
Tim Ryan
Stage-Door Man (uncredited)
Donald Kerr
Eddie Foy Jr.
Fuzzy Johnson
Mimi Chandler
Pattie Angel
Harry Barris
Mikhail Rasumny
George McKay
House Man
Raymond Walburn
Pop Angel
Jimmy Conlin
Messenger (uncredited)
Eddie Hall
Dancer at Schultz's Copacabana (uncredited)
Perc Launders

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