Mystery Thriller Crime Drama
With her husband Jack perpetually away at work, Margaret Hall raises her children virtually alone. Her teenage son is testing the waters of the adult world, and early one morning she wakes to find the dead body of his gay lover on the beach of their rural lakeside home. What would you do? What is rational and what do you do to protect your child? How far do you go and when do you stop?
Directed by
David Siegel, Scott McGehee
Written by
David Siegel, Scott McGehee
Tilda Swinton
Margaret Hall
Josh Lucas
Darby Reese
Jonathan Tucker
Beau Hall
Goran Visnjic
Alek Spera
Holmes Osborne
Loan Officer
Tamara Hope
Paige Hall
Raymond J. Barry
Carlie Nagel
Richard Gross
Deputy Sheriff
Kandeyce Jorden
Swan Girl (uncredited)
Peter Donat
Jack Hall
Dale Gibson
Georgann Johnson
50ish Woman (uncredited)
Heather Mathieson
Sue Lloyd
Tim Halpin
Placer County Detective (uncredited)
Jordon Dorrance
Dylan Hall
Kip Martin
Jill Mattson Classical Ballet of Lake Tahoe
Swan Lake Dancers
Tajma Soleil
Female Nurse
Margot Krindel

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