Drama Romance
Ootani and Tachibana have been inseparable since high school. Now that they're in college, they live together, they're happy and everything seems prefect. But their little world is disrupted when they meet an old high school friend, Yuki, who seems to have a crush on Tachibana, making Ootani feel jealous and insecure. Will Tachibana really choose him over a pretty girl?
Directed by
Satoshi Kaneda
Written by
Rie Yokota
Hidenori Tokuyama
Shinya Ootani
Saito Yasuka
Miyako Tachibana
Rinako Matsuoka
Yuki Mizusawa
Yui Iwata
Yuko Kitagaki
Junko Ookura
Kana Morikawa
Masashi Kagami
Shougo Sunouchi
Kentarô Sakai

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