Horror Crime Comedy
A violent fugitive on the run from the law makes his way from Hong Kong to South Africa, where he discovers that he's immune to the Ebola virus, and later returns home to spread the deadly disease.
Directed by
Herman Yau
Written by
Chau Ting
Anthony Wong Chau-Sang
Lo Meng
Kei the Restaurant Owner
Tsang Yin
Cindy Yip Sin-yi
Shing Fui-On
Annoyed Husband
Marianne Chan
Lu Cheung
Kei's Wife
Ronald Wong
Vincent Wan Yeung-Ming
Sergent Yeung
Baat Leung-Gam
Triad who gets sneezed on
Lam Chiu-Wing
Angel Wong Chui-Ling
Lily Chow
Lori Shannon

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