Comedy Romance
Jaded rock star Dax is found by New York paparazzi passed out in his car with a frozen holiday turkey in the passenger seat. In order to repair his tarnished image, Dax publicly agrees to grant a fan’s “Dear Santa” Christmas wish. To his dismay, his manager Jason drops Dax off in Cedar Grove, a Midwest small town, where he’s committed to spend a week and perform in a local holiday Christmas concert.
Directed by
Kristoffer Tabori
Written by
Neal H. Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky
Olivia Cheng
Ellie Harvie
Lynne Harding
Diana Bang
Market Cashier
MacKenzie Porter
Kelly Harding
Brenda Crichlow
Peter LaCroix
Rverend Harding
Kristoffer Tabori
Evan Bird
Tim Harding
Matt Ward
Drew Lachey

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