Horror Romance
After a disastrous relationship, Toby Brighter is set up on a blind date by his sister, Charlotte. Toby's date, Lucas Delmore, is charming, charismatic, and physically flawless. He is everything Toby could have wished for--except that Lucas is a 1500 year old vampire. Before long, Toby is plunged into the dark world of demons, black magic, and the supernatural, where nobody is safe and nothing is what it seems...
Directed by
Jason Davitt
Written by
Jason Davitt
Rhys Howells
Lucas Delmore
Dan Briggs
Toby Brighter
Rebecca Eastwood
Charlotte Brighter
Tim Benge
Paul Michaels
Abigail Law-Briggs
Kyle Chester
James MacCorkindale
Anthony Mortis
Dorival Mota
Ant Canavan
Richard Marshall
Warrior / Temple Slave
Richard Sherwood
Sebastien Sprysak
Past Lover

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