Animation Sci-Fi Drama
Akari finds herself nervous coaching a new undine as a Prima, until she awakens to find that it is just a dream. To soothe her worries, Alicia recalls stories of her beginnings as a Prima, as well as the memories she made.
Directed by
Junichi Sato
Junko Minagawa
Akira E. Ferrari (voice)
Chinami Nishimura
Aria Pokoteng (voice)
Chiwa Saito
Aika S. Granzchesta (voice)
Akeno Watanabe
Albert Pitt (voice)
Ryo Hirohashi
Alice Carroll (voice)
Yuji Ueda
Udo 'Woody' Ayanokohji the 51st (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Alicia Florence (voice)
Tomoko Kawakami
Athena Glory (voice)
Erino Hazuki
Akari Mizunashi (voice)
Hirofumi Nojima
Akatsuki Izumo (voice)
Yoshiko Matsuo
Akino 'Grandma' Ametsuchi (voice)
Ao Takahashi
Apprentice in the Dream (voice)
Kazuyuki Ishikawa
Campanile Keeper (voice)

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