During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
Directed by
Arthur Hiller
Written by
Murray Schisgal
Eli Wallach
Ben Harris
Dustin Hoffman
Ruth White
Mrs. Edna Kelly
Bob Dishy
Jerome "Jerry" Fiske
Anne Jackson
Gloria Fiske
Bibi Osterwald
Mrs. Theodora Ratner
Sudie Bond
Miss Lane
David Burns
Mr. Ratner
Judith Lowry
Elderly Tenant (uncredited)
Elizabeth Wilson
John Harkins
Charles Nelson Reilly
Rae Allen
David Doyle
Housing Clerk
Roland Wood
Mr. Tom Kelly
Kim August
Sherman Raskin
Red Schwartzkopf

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