History Comedy Drama
Latvia in the 1920s. The enterprising Edgars Ceplis establishes a company to produce bricks from Latvian clay for export. Many are involved in his project, hoping for the huge profits the venture promises. Ceplis soon becomes infatuated with his office typist Austra Zīle and starts neglecting the business...
Directed by
Rolands Kalniņš
Written by
Viktors Lorencs
Velta Straume
Rolands Zagorskis
Edgars Liepiņš
Arturs Dimiters
Olgert Kroders
Regīna Razuma
Eduards Pavuls
Lidija Freimane
Juris Strenga
Viktors Lorencs
Uldis Dumpis
Aivars Silins
Helga Dancberga
Gunārs Cilinskis
Harijs Avens
Līga Liepiņa
Imants Adermanis
Modris Cers
Harijs Gerhards
Margarita Vilcāne
Jānis Zenne

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