Comedy Romance Crime
Buster is a small time crook who pulls a big time job. When he finds that the police will not let the case drop, he goes into hiding and can't contact his wife and child. He arranges to meet them in Mexico where he thinks they can begin again, but finds that he must choose between his family and freedom.
Directed by
David Green
Written by
Colin Shindler
Clive Wood
Sergeant Chalmers
Julie Walters
June Edwards
Phil Collins
Buster Edwards
Michael Byrne
Rupert Vansittart
Martin Jarvis
Inspector Jack Mitchell
Anthony Quayle
Sir James McDowell
Harold Innocent
Justice Parry
Ralph Brown
Ronny Biggs
Sheila Hancock
Mrs. Rothery
Steve McFadden
Gang Member
Evangelina Sosa
Romo Gorrara
John Benfield
Larry Lamb
Bruce Reynolds
Valentino Musetti
Tip Tipping
Christopher Ellison
Frank Ellis
Gang Member
Vincenzo Nicoli
Gang Member
Stephanie Lawrence
Ellie Beaven
Nicky Edwards
John Barrard
Barrie Holland
Barrister (uncredited)
Alan Stuart
Peter Brace

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