Romance Comedy
Harvard senior Sam Thatcher (Lew Ayres) and his best friend and roommate, known as "The Lippencott" (Burgess Meredith), plan to go to Russia after graduation, a decision Sam has kept from his girlfriend, Alexandra Benson (Maureen O'Sullivan).
Directed by
S. Sylvan Simon
Clayton Moore
Dartmouth College Student
Burgess Meredith
The Lippencott
Harry Tyler
Taxi Driver
John Archer
Dartmouth College Student
Lew Ayres
Sam Thatcher
Frank Albertson
Sterling Holloway
Willie Best
Porter on Train
Ruth Hussey
Kate McKim
Russell Wade
Dartmouth College Student
Julie Bishop
Mady Platt
Maureen O'Sullivan
Alexandra Benson
Phillip Terry
Dartmouth College Student
Renie Riano
Thurston Hall
Charles Platt
Truman Bradley
Walter Beckett
Edgar Dearing
William Bailey
Train Conductor Announcing "Board"
Ed Hinton
Dartmouth College Student
Ann Morriss
Edward Gargan
Jim - a Policeman
James Millican
Dartmouth College Student
Marjorie Gateson
Miss Ritchie
Joyce Compton
Lee Phelps
Police Officer Ryan
Dick Baldwin
J.M. Kerrigan
Mr. Maloney (uncredited)
John Dawson
Dartmouth College Student
Egon Brecher
Soviet Travel Bureau Agent
Charles R. Moore
Excited Porter in Diner
Spencer Charters
Police Chief
Budd Fine
Railroad Station Inspector
Wesley Barry
Dartmouth College Student
Herbert Ashley
Train Conductor
Jack Baxley
Railroad Train Announcer
Dale Fellows
Dartmouth College Student
John Gubbins
Dartmouth College Student
Don Kent
Dartmouth College Student
Robert Spencer
Dartmouth College Student
Charles Stafford
Dartmouth College Student

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